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About us

Greetings l

Thank you for visiting our website.

Sehan Steel Co.,Ltd. is a professional sales company for Square Steel Tubes.

We carry all kinds of square tubes and have been providing the best products to customers.

Moreover, we administer the quality of our goods tightly and select best products.

The best quality insurance is placing customer satisfaction first. We're always trying to

make an effort to creat a higher value-added business. Thank you.  




Sehansteel Co.,Ltd. is a professional sales company for square steel tubes. We carry various type of square tubes and have been providing the best products to customers since 1982.  

Moreover, we administer the quality of our goods tightly and select best products. We are always trying to make an effort to creat a higher value-added business.




Seoul Office l Hyundai Parisien #1120, 907-10

Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea  


Logistics Center l 175 Yonggye-ri, Geumwang-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea





Seoul Office l 


TEL  +82-2-2644-5028       FAX  +82-2-2644-5029



Logistics Center l 


TEL  +82-43-882-7102       FAX  +82-43-882-7105      



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